by Light
A lack of safe, clean energy threatens to flood sacred lands for the Munduruku people in Brazil and endangers lives in Congo. Empowered by Light needs your support to bring power to the protectors of the planet:
The World Health Organization estimates more than 66.5 million people worldwide lack access to adequate mobility. PET stands for Personal Energy Transportation. The charity “Mobility Worldwide” makes 3 wheeled, hand cranked carts for victims of landmines, people with poor nutrition or other disabilities. It costs $300 to build and ship a PET cart. For more information, please visit
Customer Spotlight: Norwegian Church Aid
The Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is a project that improves the wellbeing of women and adolescent girls affected by conflict, including gender-based violence (GBV) survivors. NCA staff in Iraq have been utilizing Healium as part of a therapeutic VR program. One woman was so inspired by the beautiful scenes in one of your experiences that she felt compelled to draw or paint what she saw afterward so she could be reminded of it while at home.
“This is the best experience for me; I felt like I was in dreamland! the amount of peace and safety is unbelievable, I didn’t want it to finish. This helped me to relax and all my stress faded away.