Mental health is a lot to unpack.

Healium simplifies the process by transforming your body's signals- like heart rate and EEG brainwaves- into vibrant biodata you can visualize and interact with. This allows you to see how you're feeling in real-time. So you not only learn what works, you also learn why.

When practiced consistently, your brain begins to build and rely on muscle memory, freeing you to navigate life's stressors with greater confidence and control.


Healium is clinically validated



Meet our team of experts

Sarah Hill

CEO & Chief Storyteller

Sarah Hill is CEO and Chief Storyteller of Healium, a pioneering mental health technology… More

Dr. Tarrant

Chief Science Officer

Dr. Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN is a licensed psychologist and board-certified in… More

Dr. Khaleghi

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi, MD, is physician, researcher, and author leading medical innovation… More

Dr. Cheifetz


Dr. Craig Cheifetz, MD, is an internal medicine specialist with over 30 years of… More

Dr. Greenleaf


Walter Greenleaf, PhD, is a neuroscientist and a medical technology developer working at… More

A drugless solution for stress relief.

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