Alpha brainwaves are predominant when we are awake but not actively processing any information. But what does that mean, and why are alpha waves important? Learn more here.
The Science of Healium
Virtual Reality for Anxiety Reduction
Frontiers in Psychology published a study showing a reduction in anxiety after a 4 minute Healium experience. The study used quantitative EEG to measure the brain’s reaction. Read the full manuscript below.
VR for Positivity
The Journal of Neuroregulation published a study on Healium’s effect on a specific brain pattern associated with feelings of positivity.
VR Changes Mood Before Blood Donations
A study published in the Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences looked at Healium’s ability to quickly improve mood and reduce tension before blood donations.
VR for Empathy
This case study used quantitative EEG to examine changes to the anterior cingulate when watching a Healium virtual reality film.